In the News

When Anastasia Stachura found out she was pregnant, it was the best Christmas gift she could have received.

But searching for the right hospital to give birth at was a bit more complicated… Read more

AAHPO Celebrates 23rd Year, Honors Dr. Knarig Khatchadurian Meyer

AAHPO board members informed the attendees about current and upcoming initiatives. Joyce Kurdian DMD and Lucy Tovmasian MD, co-leaders of the 2017 Medical Mission to Armenia, spoke briefly about the 2018 Medical Mission to Armenia, welcoming volunteers with medical or nonmedical backgrounds… Read more

2017 Medical Mission: A Report from Armenia

In the past 10 days, 13 AAHPO members and other Armenian health professionals traveled to Armenia for a Mission Trip to hospitals and remote villages. Following is a short report from Mission Co-Leaders Joyce Kurdian, DMD, and Lucy Tovmasian, MD… Read more