2011- Associate Professor (tenure track) University of Central Florida
2007-11 Research Professor University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816-2385
2004-06 Visiting Professor Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506
2003-04 Visiting Professor University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND 58202-7129
2001-03 Visiting Scientist Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme, Dresden 01187, Germany
1992-00 Techical Staff-Scientist Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439
1990-92 Technical Staff Member Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439
1989-90 Senior Staff Scientist Solid State Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831
1988-89 Visiting Scientist Ames Laboratory, Ames, IA 50011
1986-88 Visiting Full Professor University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093
1984-86 Senior Staff Physicist Exxon Research & Engineering Co., Annandale, NJ 08801
1982-84 Staff Physicist Exxon Research & Engineering Co., Annandale, NJ 08801
1982 Associate Professor (tenured) Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011
1976-81 Assistant Professor Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011
1974-76 Postdoctoral Fellow Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
1969-70 Research Technician Synvar Research Institute, Palo Alto, CA 94305
Teaching History:

2013 Spring: Lecturer in Condensed Matter Physics II (PHZ 6428) and Quantum Field Theory II (PHY 7669), and supervising two graduate students: Mr. Christopher Loerscher and Ms. Bianca Hall. Also: co-supervising the PhD thesis of Mr. Jingchuan Zhang and Mr. Jingxiang Zhao (USTB) with Prof. Qiang Gu, and on the doctoral committees of 6 students: Mr. Benjamin Webb, Mr. Gregory Katona (with Dr. Tristan Huebsch, Howard University), Ms. Asma Amjad (Ph. D. May 2013), Ms. Tracy Becker, Ms. Emily Kramer, and Mr. Akbar Whizzin (UCF).

In addition, on the doctoral committees for Mr. Manabu Tsujimoto (Ph. D February 2013) and Mr. Kaveh Delfanazari (Ph. D. February 2013), Institute for Materials Science, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan.

2012 Fall: Lecturer in Condensed Matter Physics I (PHZ 6426) and Quantum Field Theory I (PHY 6667), and supervising two graduate students: Mr. Christopher Loerscher and Ms. Bianca Hall. Also: co-supervising the PhD thesis of Mr. Jingchuan Zhang (USTB) with Prof. Qiang Gu, and on the doctoral committees of 7 students: Mr. Benjamin Webb, Mr. Gregory Katona, Ms. Asma Amjad, Ms. Hajrah Moin Quddusi (Ph. D. November 2012), Ms. Tracy Becker, Ms. Emily Kramer, and Mr. Akbar Whizzin (UCF). In addition, on the doctoral committees for Mr. Manabu Tsujimoto and Mr. Kaveh Delfanazari, Institute for Materials Science, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan.

2012 Spring: Lecturer in Condensed Matter Physics II (PHZ 6428), and supervising one graduate student, Mr. Christopher Loerscher. Also: co-supervising the PhD thesis of Mr. Jingchuan Zhang (USTB) with Prof. Qiang Gu, and on the doctoral committees of 7 students: Mr. Benjamin Webb, Mr. Gregory Katona, Ms. Asma Amjad, Ms. Hajrah Moin Quddusi, Ms. Tracy Becker, Ms. Emily Kramer, and Mr. Akbar Whizzin (UCF).

2011 Fall: Lecturer in Condensed Matter Physics I (PHZ 6426), and supervising one graduate student, Mr. Christopher Loerscher. Also: co-supervising the PhD thesis of Mr. Jingchuan Zhang (USTB) with Prof. Qiang Gu, and on the doctoral committees of 5 students: Ms. Asma Amjad, Ms. Hajrah Moin Quddusi, Ms. Tracy Becker, Ms. Emily Kramer, and Mr. Akbar Whizzin (UCF).

2011 Spring: Lecturer in Quantum Field Theory II (PHY7669), three recitations of PHY2048, supervising one graduate student, Mr. Christopher Loerscher (UCF).
also: co-supervising the PhD thesis of Mr. Jingchuan Zhang (USTB) with Prof. Qiang Gu, and on the doctoral committees of 5 students: Ms. Asma Amjad, Ms. Hajrah Moin Quddusi, Ms. Tracy Becker, Ms. Emily Kramer, and Mr. Akbar Whizzin (UCF).

2010 Fall: Lecturer in Physics for Scientists and Engineers II (PHY2049), three recitations of PHY2053, supervising one graduate student, Mr. Christopher Loerscher.

2010 Spring: Lecturer in Condensed Matter Physics II (PHZ 6428) and in PHY 2048, one recitation of PHY 2048, UCF

2009 Fall: Lecturer in Condensed Matter Physics I (PHZ 6426) and in PHY 2048, one recitation of PHY 2048, UCF

2009 Spring: Lecturer in Condensed Matter Physics II (PHZ6428), UCF
2009 Spring: two recitations of Physics II (PHY2054), UCF
2008 Fall: Lecturer in Condensed Matter Physics I (PHZ 6426), UCF
2008 Fall: two recitations of Physics II (PHY2054), UCF
2008 Spring: Lecturer in Condensed Matter Physics 0 (PHZ 5405), UCF
2008 Spring: Co-lecturer in Advanced Quantum Mechanics (PHY 6673), UCF
2008 Spring: two recitations of Physics II (PHY2054), UCF
2007 Fall: Lecturer in Condensed Matter Physics I (PHZ 6426),UCF
2007 Fall: two recitations of Physics I (PHY2053),UCF
2007 Spring: Condensed Matter Physics II (PHZ 6428),UCF
2007 Spring: two recitations of Physics I (PHY2053),UCF
2005 Spring: Co-lecturer in Physics of Nanostructured Materials, KSU
2004 Spring: Lecturer in Solid State Physics II (graduate), UND
2004 Spring: Lecturer in Quantum Mechanics II (undergraduate), UND
2003 Fall: Lecturer in Solid State Physics I (graduate), UND
2003 Fall: Lecturer in Quantum Mechanics I (undergraduate), UND
2000 Summer: Lecturer in Intensive Freshman Physics I, U. Notre Dame
1999 Spring: Lecturer in Layered Superconductors (graduate special topics), Northwestern U.
1989 Spring: one recitation of Freshman Physics, ISU
1987-8: Lecturer in Undergraduate Classical Mechanics and Undergraduate Electricity and Magnetism, UCSD

1986-7: Lecturer in Undergraduate Quantum Mechanics and in a self-paced course on Freshman Thermodynamics and Kinetic Theory, etc. , UCSD

1976-81: Lecturer in Graduate Statistical Mechanics (3 full years), Lecturer in one course on “Physical Aspects of Environmental Problems” (one semester), 2 sections of “Physics of Music” laboratory, Lecturer in “Physics of Music” (one semester), 11 sections of Freshman Physics recitations,ISU

1980: graduate student, Dan Youngner, received his Ph. D. under RAK’s supervision, ISU

1974-6: Reading courses for 3-4 graduate students, Stanford U.

1972-4: Teaching Fellow, “Physics for Poets”, recitations of Freshman Chemistry, Organic Chemistry Laboratory, and Organic Chemistry recitation, Harvard U.

Concurrent and Short-term Visiting Positions:

2008 – Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, Japan (May-June)
2000 – University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN (June)
1998-99 – Northwestern University, Evanston, IL (two years)
1987 – Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, West Germany (June-Aug.)
1986 – University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA (Feb.-March)
1981 – Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, West Germany (Aug.)
1981 – Zentralinstitut für Tieftemperaturforschung, Garching (bei München), West Germany (June-July)
1980 – Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, West Germany (June-Aug.)
1979 – Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B. C., Canada (June-Aug.)
1978 – University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC., Canada (June-Aug.)
1976 – Universität zu Köln, Köln, West Germany (June-Aug.)
1975-76 – AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ (Dec.-Jan.)

Manuscripts in Preparation:

1. R. A. Klemm, Layered Superconductors, Volume 2, under contract with Oxford University Press.
2. H. Minami, C. Watanabe, K. Sota, S. Sekimoto, T. Yamamoto, T. Kashiwagi, R. A. Klemm, and K. Kadowaki, Inhomogeneous temperature distribution due to local heating in a THz-emitting Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d rectangular mesa structure, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.
3. S. Sekimoto, C. Watanabe, H. Minami, T. Yamamoto, T. Kashiwagi, R. A. Klemm, and K. Kadowaki, Continuous 30 micro W THz source by a high-Tc superconductor mesa structure, to be submitted to Appl. Phys. Lett.
4. J. Zhang, C. Loerscher, Q. Gu, and R. A. Klemm, Anomalous behavior of the upper critical fields of the Anderson-Brinkman-Morel and Scharnberg-Klemm p-wave superconducting states, to be submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.
5. C. Loerscher, J. Zhang, Q. Gu, and R. A. Klemm, Double ellipsoidal Fermi surface model of ferromagnetic p-wave superconductors, to be submitted to Phys. Rev. B.


B. S. (physics) Stanford University, Stanford, CA (1969)
M.A. (physics) Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (1972)
Ph. D. (physics) Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (1974)




Playing violin (duets, quartets, symphonies, and ocassional blues and bluegrass)
Playing piano (classical and Scott Joplin)
Travel to far-off places
Eating exotic foods