Honors & Funding

2008 International idea patent (with K. Kadowaki and Tokyo Instruments) on “A method to increase the output power of a Josephson STAR-emitter”, filed in Tokyo, Japan, July 17 (in Japanese).
2008 On the American Physical Society’s original list of 534 “Outstanding Referees”
2003-04 NSF Grant NER-0304665 “Single Molecule Magnets for Quantum Computing”, jointly with Prof. Talat S. Rahman, Kansas State Univeristy ($100,000.00 for one year)
1998-99 NATO Research Collaboration Grant renewed
1996-97 NATO Research Collaboration Grant, jointly with Prof. Dr. Kurt Scharnberg, Universität Hamburg, Germany
1994 American Physical Society Fellow
1992 Offer of Ausserordentlicheprofessorstelle, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria
1974-75 IBM Postodoctoral Fellow
1970-72 NSF Graduate Fellow
1970 US Patent issued for the intercalation of TaS2 with organic molecules
1967-68 NSF Undergraduate Research Participant